Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving................

Dont let the stress of shopping & cooking get to you this Thanksgiving. I shop at Aldi or Save a lot most the time in my area and during the Holidays you can save so much money there and have your whole meal. If you can get the Newspaper to find the best deals or go online and check ads to find where to go for the savings.
I also like to save money and bake my own pumpkin pie with can pumpkin, this year we are going to make it with pie pumpkin we bought cheap after Halloween. I will let you know how it go's and take a pic of the outcome. Fresh cranberry sauce with orange is not liked by everyone but it adds a wonderful aroma to your home for everyone to enjoy........................... 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Slow Cooker

I have found that a much needed item to purchase if your on a fixed income that helped save money and time was a SLOW COOKER! The one I purchase that I felt was the best for the money was CROCK POT, with 4 settings. Off, High, Low and the much needed WARM! setting for those meals when everyone could'nt eat at the same time. If you look at thrift stores or garage sales you can find good slow cookers for little cost.
I keep a much needed staple in my Kitchen Cupboard BOUILLON! or BOUILLON CUBES! when added to soup, stew, eggs or veggies can make a meal taste good and complete the dish. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012


You are wondering how to make ends meet or where your next meal is coming from in such a money pinching life. How are you going to save and buy those needed pair of jeans or shoes to replace the ones that are wornout.
I have been on a fixed income for years and have many ways and ideas that have helped me in so many pinches.
I will be posting those ideas that I hope will be helpful to everyone with a fixed income or not.
EAT- save money on the groceries to the table.
BUDGET- save money to help in the budget to pay your expenses and maybe have extra to enjoy a movie & popcorn. It may be rented but make it enjoyable and yes FUN!
TIME- save money and time by planning!!!! Just like a football game, have a game plan and budget to save time, money and yes STRESS!