Saturday, November 17, 2012


You are wondering how to make ends meet or where your next meal is coming from in such a money pinching life. How are you going to save and buy those needed pair of jeans or shoes to replace the ones that are wornout.
I have been on a fixed income for years and have many ways and ideas that have helped me in so many pinches.
I will be posting those ideas that I hope will be helpful to everyone with a fixed income or not.
EAT- save money on the groceries to the table.
BUDGET- save money to help in the budget to pay your expenses and maybe have extra to enjoy a movie & popcorn. It may be rented but make it enjoyable and yes FUN!
TIME- save money and time by planning!!!! Just like a football game, have a game plan and budget to save time, money and yes STRESS!

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